Top Ten Tuesday – bookish items/merch I’d like to own


It’s TTT time! Today is a fun prompt because who doesn’t have a long list of bookish things they’d like to own?! I have quite a wishlist due to the fact that I rarely indulge myself and actually buy book merchandise. I definitely have a weakness for bookmarks, even though I regularly use whatever is handy to mark my spot in a book. I also love me a good bookish t-shirt. As usual, Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl hosts these weekly challenges (so, see her blog for more info). Here it goes – I am linking to the shop where you could purchase the item.


I want to decorate my house like I live in a bookstore!

Mugs! Coffee is my everything. Coffee and books represent paradise! I collect coffee mugs but believe it or not, I don’t own any bookish mugs yet. I do love me a good pun, too.

Flowers and foul language – swoon!
Campy fun
Puns all the way


Bookmarks! I really do love them. I dream of having a plethora of bookmarks that I have displayed somewhere on my shelf and can grab whenever the mood strikes – preferably matching the book I am reading at that time. I don’t have a preference for a specific type of bookmark but I like the magnetic ones, the ones for your thumb that help you keep the pages open, and I really would love to have a leather one with my birth coordinates engraved.

Horror inspired
Giraffes are my faves
Pennywise – I already have one of those but need more!
This would be so handy
These are so pretty
I want the coordinates of my birthplace


Totes! You need to carry shit. You need to carry your books places. Totes are perfect and can really express the mood you’re in.

So cute
I like totes featuring my favorite books!
Coffee and books – so good


Candles! They’re so old-timey and really can set the perfect mood. Plus, I can’t resist being happy with certain smells like sandalwood or pine.

Little samples are perfect
I want to live in a bookstore or library!


T-shirts! Why not wear what you love? I already have many book-ish shirts but I always need more.

I’ve read this book in three languages so far! I am quite proud of this.
King is king
This book has been on my TBR for forever


String lights! I always wanted to decorate my reading nook with beautiful old fashioned Edison string lights. It just seems so cozy!

Do want!


Blankets! Must have snuggly blankets around me at all times. I actually love knitting and crocheting and thus don’t have any specific blankets on my wishlist but would love to make my own one day. So far, I’ve only knitted baby blankets as gifts.


Kindle Paperwhite! The new one is waterproof. I love reading in the tub and this one is for sure an item I want to own. This one is actually on my Christmas wishlist.

I’m still getting used to eReaders


Socks! I own one pair of Alice in Wonderland socks and wear them religiously. I must have more. I also knit socks but my colorwork isn’t up to par to make some literary stockings. I may be able to knit some Dobby socks 😉

I am a BOTM member and every month I am eyeing these socks
Stockings – Pride and Prejudice – so darn cute
Hufflepuff 4 life!


Literary Notebooks! I’m the typical reader who also likes to write. Notebooks are my weakness. I own way too many but not enough are book-themed.

Dracula – I adore that book
I want all of them
The Hobbit – leather bound – um, yes, please

What is on your merch wishlist?

33 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – bookish items/merch I’d like to own”

  1. Ooh, you mentioning the showcasing of bookmarks gave me this view of a frame filled with pretty bookmarks to use as wall art! That’s TOTALLY a brilliant decorating idea too! Especially for those few bookmarks that are too precious to use and risk damaging or losing, haha.

    Yes to bookish shirts and socks. I need way more of those! I’m getting kind of tired of my regular, plain socks lately?

    As for blankets.. there are actually some gorgeous bookish throw blankets on Etsy (as I discovered earlier today). I’m so putting at least one of those on my Christmas wish list for sure. Seems like the must have for a cozy reading spot!

    Here’s my TTT should you be interested. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Seriosuly!!!! I just recently moved and the place has more cabinet space, thus I can now totally justify buying more mugs! I am going to request all those on my Christmas list hoping someone will get them for me :p


  2. I guess I’m not the only person that has read books in multiple languages. I’ve read Divergent in three languages and own it in a fourth (I just haven’t mastered Russian enough to just sit down and read it comfortably, LOL).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I’m addicted to buying mugs. I have a cupboard full but still buy them! And I love my Paperwhite, but the new ones are waterproof? Wow that’s awesome.

    I’m a big fan of bookish T-shirts and candles too. Awesome list!

    Liked by 1 person

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